I saw a couple seals go by my window today but I didn't manage to get any decent photos of any charasmatic megafauna while I was outside today.
The genetics team: Daniel, Kevin, Rebeca, Cheps, and Henrik. |
Musings of an American invertebrate zoologist / systematist / genomicist studying aculiferan molluscs (chitons and aplacophorans) and other invertebrates in Australia.
The genetics team: Daniel, Kevin, Rebeca, Cheps, and Henrik. |
Just a few more days to Neumeyer Station... |
We're starting to see the first tiny chunks of ice. |
Track the ship here: http://www.sailwx.info/shiptrack/shipposition.phtml?call=DBLK |
Here's our current location. |
Loxosomatidae sp. Found on Amphiroa sp. |
Barentsia sp. (Entoprocta, Barentsiidae) |
Barentsia sp. (Entoprocta, Barentsiidae) |
Loxosomatidae sp. "warty" |
Loxosomatidae sp. "yellow" |
Loxosomatidae sp. "yellow" |
Loxosomatidae sp. "Harry's Amphiroa" |
Loxosomatidae sp. "Harry's Amphiroa" |
Loxosomatidae sp. "dirty" |
Rhabdopleura sp. (Hemichordata, Pterobranchia) |
Juvenile Cryptoplax larvaeformis (Mollusca, Polyplacophora; anterior end) |
Newly settled Heteronemertea sp. juvenile (complete with caudal cirrus) |
Bryozoan larva (I think) |
Bryozoan larva (I think) |
Bryozoan larva (I think; same specimen as previous pic) |
Acoela sp. |
Acoela sp. |
Acoela sp. |
Acoela sp. |
Tetrastemma sp. (Nemertea) |
Tetrastemma sp. (Nemertea) |
I saw a lot of these but I'm not sure what they are. Proseriate flatworm? (Platyhelminthes) |
Kalyptorhyncha sp.? (Platyhelminthes) |
Rhabditophora sp. (Platyhelminthes) |
Shizorhynchidae sp.? (Platyhelminthes) |
Sclerite-bearing flatworm! (Platyhelminthes) |
Sclerite-bearing flatworm! (Platyhelminthes) |
Platyhelminthes? |
Polygordius sp. (anterior end; Annelida) |
Polygordius sp. (posterior end; Annelida) |
Sabellidae sp. (Annelida) |
Mystery annelid. Anterior end. |
Mystery annelid. Posterior end. |
Cirratulidae sp.? (Annelida) |
Cirratulidae sp.? (Annelida) |
Dorvellaidae sp. (Annelida) |
Another mystery annelid. |
Spadella sp. (anterior end; Chaetognthata) |
Panulirus interruptus seen during a night snorkel off Catalina Island |