Friday, February 21, 2014

First Australian record for Meiomeniidae!

After many hours of searching through the meiofauna, I found *one* specimen of an undescribed species of Meiomenia in a sand sample taken from east of Heron Island. Meiomeniids are tiny, interstitial solenogaster aplacophorans that feed on hydrozoans. They are known from Florida, the Caribbean, Bermuda, the Azores, Norway, Friday Harbor, and now Heron Island. I don't have facilities to take great pictures of meiofauna so instead I'll share Rick Hochberg's video of Meiomenia from Florida (they all look pretty similar anyway).

Otherwise, things are going well here on Heron. I'm fixing samples of Cryptoplax for various gene expression and other experiments and I'm still trying to spawn chitons with limited success... More on that soon.

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