Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Shameless self plug

On Thursday, April 10th, I'm giving a talk about work I did on aplacophoran mollusc phylogeny in Ken Halanych's lab. The talk will be at 1 PM in Goddard Building 257 (UQ).

Entonomenia sp. (tricarinata?) from Antarctica

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I have data!

My former labmate Joie Cannon and I use the word text as an adjective. As in "This Obelia specimen is totally text." It means that Obelia specimen you are looking at under the microscope looks just like the sketch of it in the textbook. Today I got my first glimpse at my histological sections showing sclerite secretion in Acanthopleura gemmata and Cryptoplax larvaeformis. Sclerite secretion is Acanthopleura gemmata is totally text. Things aren't so clear with Cryptoplax... yet. I also got some amazing micro CT scans of Acanthopleura sclerites back from Jeremy Shaw today.

I can't wait to present some data on chiton biomineralization at the next International Congress of Invertebrate Morphology!